Monthly Archives: July 2022

Happy to receive – 5th Microsoft MVP Award

I’m pleased to have received my fifth package of Microsoft MVP Awards in the #azure category. I still feel the same excitement I did the first time.

I am inspired to contribute more every time I open an MVP Package, which serves as a constant reminder of my gratitude to the community.

Thank you for your support, Christian Talavera and Betsy Weber

#MVP #mvpbuzz #microsoftmvp #cdnmvp #azure  #machinelearning #azurecloud #community #grateful #thankyou

Azure technology landscape and how it can help professionals remain competitive in the job market

As businesses increasingly move to the cloud, Microsoft Azure has become a popular choice for cloud computing services. Azure is a powerful platform that provides a wide range of services and tools, and staying up to date with the latest developments in the Azure technology landscape can help professionals remain competitive in the job market.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the key areas of Azure that professionals should be familiar with, including cloud migration, DevOps, artificial intelligence and machine learning, security and compliance, and internet of things (IoT).

Cloud Migration One of the most in-demand areas of Azure is cloud migration. This involves moving existing applications and services to Azure, which enables organizations to take advantage of cloud-based scalability, security, and cost savings. Professionals who are familiar with Azure migration services, such as Azure Site Recovery and Azure Database Migration Service, are in high demand as more businesses seek to move their applications and data to the cloud.

DevOps Another area of Azure that is in high demand is DevOps. This includes using Azure for continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), as well as managing development pipelines and workflows. Azure DevOps provides a wide range of services, including Azure Repos for source control, Azure Boards for work item tracking, and Azure Test Plans for testing and release management. Professionals who are familiar with these services and how to integrate them into the software development lifecycle are highly valued in the job market.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Azure provides a wide range of services for machine learning and artificial intelligence, including Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Machine Learning, and Azure Databricks. Professionals who are skilled in these areas are in high demand, as businesses seek to use artificial intelligence and machine learning to gain insights from their data and improve their operations. Familiarity with Azure AI and ML services, as well as data science and machine learning concepts, can help professionals stand out in the job market.

Security and Compliance Security and compliance are becoming increasingly important in the cloud computing landscape, and Azure provides a wide range of tools and services to help businesses meet their security and compliance requirements. Professionals who are familiar with Azure security and compliance services, such as Azure Security Center and Azure Policy, are in high demand as businesses seek to ensure the security and compliance of their cloud-based applications and data.

Internet of Things (IoT) The internet of things (IoT) is becoming increasingly important for businesses in a variety of industries, and Azure provides a range of services for connecting, monitoring, and managing IoT devices. Azure IoT services, including Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Central, can help businesses connect their devices to the cloud, monitor their performance and status, and manage their data. Professionals who are familiar with these services, as well as IoT concepts and technologies, are in high demand as businesses seek to take advantage of the benefits of IoT.

In conclusion, Azure is a powerful platform that provides a wide range of services and tools for cloud computing. By staying up to date with the latest developments in the Azure technology landscape, professionals can remain competitive in the job market and position themselves for success in the rapidly evolving cloud computing industry. Whether you specialize in cloud migration, DevOps, artificial intelligence and machine learning, security and compliance, or internet of things (IoT), there are ample opportunities to grow and succeed in the Azure ecosystem.

Create and Deploy Web App using Azure API

In this article, we will be exploring how to use Azure API to create and deploy a web app on Azure.

Before we begin, let’s first understand what Azure API is. Azure API Management is a fully managed service that provides an API gateway for your APIs. It enables you to publish, secure, transform, maintain, and monitor your APIs at scale.

To create and deploy a web app on Azure, we will follow these steps:

  1. Create a resource group
  2. Create an App Service plan
  3. Create a web app
  4. Deploy the web app

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Create a resource group

The first step is to create a resource group, which is a logical container for resources deployed to Azure. You can create a resource group using the Azure Portal or Azure CLI. Here’s an example of how to create a resource group using Azure CLI:

sqlCopy codeaz group create --name myResourceGroup --location eastus

In this example, we’re creating a resource group named “myResourceGroup” in the “eastus” region.

Step 2: Create an App Service plan

An App Service plan is a set of computing resources that Azure uses to run your web app. You can create an App Service plan using the Azure Portal or Azure CLI. Here’s an example of how to create an App Service plan using Azure CLI:

cssCopy codeaz appservice plan create --name myAppServicePlan --resource-group myResourceGroup --sku B1 --is-linux

In this example, we’re creating an App Service plan named “myAppServicePlan” in the “myResourceGroup” resource group, with a pricing tier of B1 and running on Linux.

Step 3: Create a web app

Now that we have an App Service plan, we can create a web app. You can create a web app using the Azure Portal or Azure CLI. Here’s an example of how to create a web app using Azure CLI:

cssCopy codeaz webapp create --name myWebApp --resource-group myResourceGroup --plan myAppServicePlan --runtime "node|14-lts"

In this example, we’re creating a web app named “myWebApp” in the “myResourceGroup” resource group, running on the “myAppServicePlan” App Service plan, and using the Node.js 14 LTS runtime.

Step 4: Deploy the web app

Now that we have a web app, we can deploy our application code to it. There are several ways to deploy code to a web app on Azure, such as using Git, FTP, or Azure Pipelines. Here’s an example of how to deploy code using Git:

bashCopy code# Clone your app's Git repository
git clone

# Change to the repository directory
cd mywebapp

# Create a new file
echo "Hello, World!" > index.html

# Add the file to Git
git add index.html

# Commit the changes
git commit -m "Add index.html"

# Push the changes to Azure
git push

In this example, we’re cloning the Git repository for our web app, creating a new file called “index.html”, adding it to Git, committing the changes, and pushing the changes to Azure. Once the changes are pushed, Azure will automatically build and deploy the new code to your web app.


In this article, we learned how to create and deploy a web app on Azure using Azure API. We followed four simple steps, which were to create a resource group, create an App Service plan, create a web app,